We Alone Can Devalue Gold Poem

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In this free verse poem that starts with “We alone can devalue gold…” Alice Walker wants us to wake up and realize that we are the makers and choosers of our destiny. We should stop putting value on tangible things. Making the theme of this poem “Overcoming the need of things that are not beneficial to our lives and start caring about that have meaning or adds to our lives naturally.” This poem sets out to expose the fact that we have the power to change the economy. We have the power to change how we think about money, making this poem a didactic poem. This means that it’s intended to teach, but in particularly having moral instruction as an ulterior motive. Walker’s poem also has no rhyme scheme, but uses imagery, alliteration, metaphors, …show more content…

The poet is using irony when talking about gold. In this world gold is thought to be superior and divine and if you have acquired gold then you’re also looked at as being superior, but in this poem Walker turns it into something that is insignificant and repulsive. She’s telling us if we indulge in these things then we don’t know the difference between what’s important in our lives from what’s not at all important and what can also potentially destroy us. Many of us don’t understand or just don’t want to realize that we are destroying our souls worrying about these things that have no substance. There’s this rap song that came out in the 90s called “Mo Money Mo Problems” produced by a Black American man named P.Diddy, one of America’s biggest music producers and in this song he says: “Know you’d rather see me die then see me fly.” What he is saying is, because I’m now successful and rich instead of applauding me success you rather see me fall. Making this song title a very true and interesting statement. This is what Walker is saying about the gold chains. Wherever money (gold) is involved, most of the time there is …show more content…

The lines are filled with the “Wake Up!” call Lawrence Fishburn shouted at the end of “School Daze” a Spike Lee Joint. The voice sounds demanding but reassuring that this would the best decision we will ever make. This seems to be reflected in the meter less lines. The stanzas with its nonconformity, no established pattern of rhyme, can be looked at as an ode to our souls. Walker gave an elaborate and enthusiastic emotion throughout this poem which brought the poem to life and gave meaning. She quoted “This is a wonderful planet, and it’s being completely destroyed by people who have too much money and too much power and no

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