Water Pollution In Vietnam Essay

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Water Pollution in Vietnam
This report will discuss large scale water pollution of the Mekong River in Vietnam. Vietnam borders Thailand, Cambodia and China and is located on the south eastern area of the Indochinese Peninsula. The Mekong River lies in Southeast Asia as indicated on the map. Mass water pollution in the Mekong River can be traced back to decades ago when Vietnam experienced a rapid economic growth during the 1960's which caused a spread and intensification of water pollution problems throughout the country. Now, although Vietnam’s water supply situation has improved over the past few decades, many rural areas, generally the poorest communities have not seen notable improvement. This report aims to raise awareness of the issue in hand and also identify and evaluate strategies to help alleviate the ongoing issue which will affect the country; environmentally, socially and economically.

How Water Pollution arose
The issue of water pollution in the Mekong River arose predominately due to two factors: poor industrial wastewater management and the lack of civic awareness. According to the figures released by the Ministry of Health (MoH), it appears that merely 45% of Vietnam’s rural residents have access to clean water in line with the (MoH)’s standards, which significantly minute in light of other Asian countries. Many domestic and industrial facilities use water to carry away their waste into canals, rivers, and lakes. Most of which did not have any waste water treatment system to treat the water that flows into the rivers. In this case, the untreated industrial wastewater was directly released into the streams of the river, causing serious pollution of surface water. In addition, the lack of cit...

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... eventually die out from toxins in the river. In order to address this issue, the government has proposed strategies of tackling the water resources management issues in the country by constructing sewerage systems and infrastructures and formulating and implementing wastewater treatment policies and projects specifically aiming to aid improvement of the water quality of the Mekong River. In order for these strategies to be successful, the construction of sewerage systems need to be done quickly in conjunction with the policies and projects which are to be strictly monitored and supervised. However, if the wastewater treatment policies are not carefully monitored nor followed, these strategies will not be successful which will means that the pollution of the Mekong will worsen. Overall, these strategies can be successful if they are carried out correctly.

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