Water Persuasive Speech

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Have you ever wondered how much water we really have?The whole California state is low on water at this moment which is upsetting because we all need water in our daily days.There are cities who have completely ran out of water and have to travel to certain places to get some or go to fire stations to get some water.The farmers are pretty upset about the water levels since it’s not letting them grow their plants how they want to or to give water to their animals they are raising.The water levels is affecting us in many ways with not being able to use our water on how we want to. We would've never thought that one day we could have run out of water but here we are and have water limits. The government shouldn't give up on us about this major problem we have. We are all suffering in some way with this drought and there are ways they can help us to get back to where we were.For example, I know they have plenty of money saved up since they use it for medical,food stamps, welfare and much more. They are …show more content…

People have certain days and time they can use the water for their needs but after that time the city people may show up to your location and either give you a warning or a ticket.The county has arranged emergency deliveries of 15,552 gallons of water.They also have ground water measures that have been approved and that are aimed on limiting the overuse of people's water. The valley has dropped 100 ft below historical lows which can cause a lot of harm to our world in many ways.Some of the reasons that water levels can harm our world is because some parts of the world can sink up to a foot per year by the water levels going down,we aren’t able to use the water when we want to besides the days we are allowed to use it on, or we can’t water our plants daily anymore. We have to be extra careful on how we use our water and have our limits to have our water last for a good long

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