Brutus Bad Leader

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the wrong leader and the noblest man-brutus shakespeare was one of the most famous writer in the western literary world. his works shine like the morning stars in the sky. julius caesar is one of his masterpiece. it is a script described julius caesar’s assassination and people around him. in julius caesar shakespeare exposes the disadvantages of leadership through the actions, conflicts and failure of brutus. there are many place in the play show that brutus is not a good leader. brutus is a tragic hero in this play, he is a noble man, he want to kill caesar not for himself but for rome. under his leading, the people who followed him to kill caesar going to fail step by step. one way brutus proves he is a bad leader is through his decision to kill caesar. brutus is a meditative, scholarly, impractical type of man who is misled by the crafty, ambitious, and unscrupulous Cassius into becoming …show more content…

They decide to march, giving up the advantage of the hills. he said to cassius: “Our legions are brimful, our cause is ripe: The enemy increaseth every day; We, at the height, are ready to decline. There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat; And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.” his decision cause his soldier have not enough rest, defeated at philippi by antony and octavian's armies. because he dream caesar’s ghost, he change his decision, that is a mistake of a general. He seems to be the kind of introverted, solitary man who is highly intelligent and learned but lacks common sense. but at this important time, he decide without intelligent, but mood. it also shows that he do not have the steady principle, those kind of people can’t be a good

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