Warning Signs Of Suicide Essay

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4.Which three warning signs of suicide do you think are most important? Why do you think so?
There are three suicidal warning signs that seem the most important to me. They include, talking about suicide, participating in risky activities, and saying goodbye or leaving suicide notes for loved ones. These three stood out to me because they are the causes and effects of thinking about killing yourself. If someone is considering committing suicide, a common and important sign is if he is talking about it or acting as if he were planning to do it. He would make statements such as, “‘I’m going to kill myself,’ ‘I wish I were dead’ or ‘I wish I hadn’t been born’”(Suicide and Suicidal Thoughts). Also, a witness may see him go to the store to buy a gun, or drugs, to help him take his own life. Participating in self-destructive activities is another important warning sign because it shows the person is not just thinking about suicide, but also acting on it. For example, it could include driving recklessly, doing drugs, or drinking and driving. This is scary and harmful not just to the person being carless, but to the people …show more content…

One example is to talk about it. When I am feeling sad, I talk to my best friend and it is useful because I am able to vent and get the weight of the problem off of my shoulders. Also, I write in a journal where I am able to express all of my feelings in words and when I close the book, all of the sad feelings stay in there. This makes me feel better because I feel powerful when I am taking control over my feelings, and I let the sadness go away. Lastly, I get my mind off of being sad by doing activities I enjoy such as, playing soccer and tennis, drawing, reading, or going for a run. These distract my mind, and force me to focus on the activity I am doing, which eventually makes me forget about my problems. All of these ideas help me be happy and put a smile on my

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