War On Poverty Research Paper

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In the last 40 years the poverty gone from 11.8% to 14.8%. Even more shocking is the people earning under double poverty has remained near 33% regardless of actions taken. It would seem the War on Poverty must have some flaws, as no progress is being made. This is due to how crime, single parenting and immigration are all working together to keep people poor. Until these are all seriously addressed the battle to decrease poverty will continue to go nowhere.
While some people like to blame poverty on crime, it’s actually the opposite that is true. Criminals prevent lower income people from making progress and a single robbery can financially break a person or new business. As lower income people are twice as likely to be victims of violent crime it is vital that we make this change to provide them the same opportunity for success as the rest of Americans. The solution to this is two-fold. First laws must be changed reducing some victimless crimes from felonies to misdemeanors and second a federal three strikes policy to take felons off the streets forever. 82% of property criminals and 71% of violent criminals are arrested for new crimes after released. As repeat offenders clog up the courts, overburden the …show more content…

Legal & illegal immigration work together to slow wage growth and in some occupations actually cause wages to drop. Studies have shown that immigration hurts the poorest people in America the most, driving down their wages and providing more competition in a difficult job market. While technology and outsourcing also reduce low skilled occupations, bring in over a million immigrants per year also causes unnecessary competition for the remaining jobs. By returning immigration back to the historical average of 230,000 per year we can ensure a more prosperous future for the poorest Americans while maintaining our tradition of

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