W. B. Yeats Research Paper

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W.B. Yeats was born in Sandymount, Ireland; June 13th, 1865. At a young age Yeats decided he didn't want to be part of the protestant Religion, and wanted a “more profound than either the Catholic or the Protestant.” (Britannica School) He decided on a hidden Ireland religion, more Pagan than Christian. When Yeats was two years old he and his family moved to London, but for almost all of his childhood he spent most of his time with his grandparents who lived in Sligo. This country's nature and surroundings was Yeats’s inspiration for most of his poems. In 1883, three years after his family moved back to Dublin, He attended the Metropolitan School of Art. Another one of his lead inspirations was a woman named Maud Gonne, He was in love with

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