Visually Impaired People Essay

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Mobility is a very challenging task for visually impaired people. It is defined as “the ability to travel safely, comfortably, gracefully, and independently” [1]. Visually impaired people must rely on other senses other than their sense of sight such as hearing and touch to guide them. Visual impairment and blindness afflict a significant portion of the world population. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the estimated number of visually impaired in the world are 285 million, 39 million are blind and about 90% of them are people who live in developing countries [2]. This tells us that majority of the blind people come from developing nations which means they cannot afford expensive devices to assist them. It is important to understand the needs and requirements of that community before attempting to create devices for them. Considering the continuing progress of medicine and science, it is surprising to note that blindness is expected to increase in the coming years. It is predicted that the number of blind people will double by 2030 [3]. This is partially because “the proportion of babies born to mothers at the extremes of the child-bearing years is increasing” and because “medical advances have made it possible for many premature infants, who in the past would have died, to …show more content…

Hollins, Understanding Blindness: An Integrative Approach, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1989.
[2] S. P. Mariotti, "Global Data on Visual Impairments 2010," Geneva Switzerland, 2012.
[3] R. Leonard, Statistics on vision impairment: A resource manual., 2002.
[4] E. H. L. Leung and M. Hollins, Understanding Blindness: An Integrative Approach, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1989.
[5] J. Brabyn, "A review of mobility aids and means of assessment," in Electronic Spatial Sensing for the Blind, Proc. of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Visual Spatial Protheses for the Blind, 1984, pp. 13-27.
[6] V. L´evesque, "Blindness, Technology and Haptics," Qu´ebec ,

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