Summary Of Laura Mulvey's 'Visual Pleasure And Narrative Cinema'

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Kubrick’s Gaze In Laura Mulvey’s article “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” she uses the concept of scopophilia, or pleasure obtained through looking at things, to discuss the portrayal of women in film as passive sexual objects, while inferring that it is the active male “gaze” that objectifies them. Mulvey’s ideas are extremely relevant to Stanley Kubrick’s final film Eyes Wide Shut, in which the themes of sexuality and voyeurism are abundant. The gender roles are very clearly defined in Eyes Wide Shut. The men control the “gaze” and obtain scopophilic pleasure by looking at women. The women, on the other hand, are all presented as highly sexualized objects, or things that exist simply to be looked at. Furthermore, when they do have
Similar to Alice, Amanda is highly sexualized in the film. In fact, she makes appearances at three different points in the movie, and she is completely unclothed in each scene. Amanda is first seen in the bathroom of Victor Ziegler, where she is lying incapacitated due to an overdose. She is completely naked, while the two men standing over her, Ziegler and Bill, are fully clothed. She is then examined by Bill, another affirmation of the gender roles described by
Domino is introduced into the film when she approaches Bill on a street corner, attempting to solicit herself to him as a prostitute. Just as with the other women in the film, she is eventually punished for being in control of her own sexuality. When Bill returns to her apartment later on in the story, he is greeted by her roommate who explains that Domino has been diagnosed with HIV.
The patriarchal cinematic ideology detailed by Laura Mulvey in “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” is pervasive in Stanley Kubrick’s film Eyes Wide Shut. The women in the film all eventually become the passive sexual objects that Mulvey has described in her paper. There are times in the film that women attempt to defy these strongly enforced gender roles, but they are always punished and returned to their positions as objects of the male

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