Aristotle's View On Happiness: The Hedonistic View Of Happiness

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Happiness is life according to virtues and flourishing while eliminating pleasures and desires. It is very critical to practice living virtuously because this will help you in the process of flourishing. Both virtues and flourishing will lead you to happiness. There are many different positions that I will be considering throughout this essay. I will be talking about the view that happiness is an illusion. I also will go into the hedonistic view of happiness. I will be using some of Aristotle's accounts of happiness to defend my arguments. My argument on what happiness is that it is very important and you will benefit from learning about my arguments. You will benefit from these arguments because it will aid you in process of being happy and living a well fulfilled life. You will learn to flourish and become a virtuous person, overall achieving a happy life.

My first premise is in order to achieve happiness, you need to live life according to virtues. Living virtuously will help you in achieving your values in life. Aristotle focuses a lot on the idea of moral excellence. He claims that we were not born with moral …show more content…

One objection someone might offer is the hedonistic view of happiness. Hedonistic theories identify happiness with pleasure and that pleasure is the only thing that is good and that it is not for the sake of anything else. The Hedonistic argument has a great significance, it gives another view and opinion on the concept of pleasures other than that pleasures can be bad or harmful to us. I disagree with this objection that pleasure is the only that is good. I believe that pleasures can be very harmful to us and can stop us from flourishing which causes us to be unhappy. Another objection against my argument would be that happiness is an illusion. This objection claims that we strive for happiness all while happiness is just an illusion and we live in the worst of all possible worlds. The

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