Virginia Tech Shooting Research Paper

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Imagine bracing under a desk not knowing if someone will break into your classroom and start firing rounds. On April 20, 1999 Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 13 people in Columbine High School. They planned the attack for months but showed signs of something wrong for years. They started their attack but placing bombs inside the school hoping they would detonate sending a flurry of students out of the school, this did not work making them start their rampage inside the school (“Columbine Tragedy” 1.) In April of 2007, Seung-Hui Cho shot 32 people around the campus of Virginia Tech. He started his attack near his dorm killing 2 students, then moved on to a hall where classes had already started ("Students Killed in Virginia Tech” 1.) In the most recent tragedy, Adam Lanza shot 20 first graders and staff members on December 14, 2012. He killed his own mother before breaking into the school and killing the first people he saw. He then moved on to a pair of first grade classrooms and 20 …show more content…

At the time of the shooting classes had already begun so there were not many students roaming around. April, 2007 Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people at Virginia Tech University. At 7:15 am Cho shot and killed 2 students in a dormitory. Then,2 and a half an hour later, Cho moved on to a classroom building and shot 31 students before taking his own life. The police response to Virginia Tech was very slow compared to other shootings. The first campus police call reporting a shooting had been at 7:15 am, However the students were not alerted until 9:26 am. The news of the shooting was released to the public several hours after the shooting and had continual coverage all day. After Cho shot two students in a dormitory, he sent a confession video to fox news at 9:01. The video contains an 1800-word confession and motive on why he committed those terrible acts ("Students Killed in Virginia Tech”

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