Violence on Television and Children,

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Violence is an everyday occurrence in our society. It affects adults and children but it has a greater impact on children. Children are more moldable and are greatly influenced by things they see and hear. More and more violence is becoming prevalent in daily lives. Children all over the world are becoming victims to the same violent acts they witness on TV and at home. Children fall victim to abuse and neglect at home and at school. Children are bombarded with violence from all angles. With the come of the 21st century violence is fueled by money, racism, drugs, and media. The easiest to change and regulate is media violence. You cannot turn on the news without hearing about a murder, rape, or death. Television shows and movies are becoming more violent and cruder than ever before. Commercials air violent movie trailers during children’s programming. Government should regulate the dosage of daily violence a day to people under the age of 18. Parents should monitor their kids and decide acceptable programs to watch. Teachers should also give parents an update whenever a student acts out in a violent way. In the flowing I will explain and prove why there is too much violence in our children’s lives.

In the past couple of years violence has been in a demand. Movies are getting bloodier and gorier by the week. This is partly to do with our acceptance of violence and how we have grown accustomed to it. With the news following the war in Iraq, global terrorism, murders, and rape day after day it is a struggle not to be sterile to violence. Being so used to violence adults and parents forget how detrimental it is to children. Children have not experienced violence as most adults have. Watching the news with your five year old son i...

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...or her child reacts to certain situations. Lastly teachers can monitor students and report any violent or strange behavior to parents. All these steps should ensure a safer tomorrow and a healthier society for the children.

Television as a source of maltreatment of children. School Psychology Review, 16, 195-202 Gerbner, G., & Signorielli, N. (1990)

The war play dilemma: Balancing needs and values in the early childhood classroom. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University. Carlsson-Paige, N., & Levin, D. (1990).

Gentile, Douglas A. "Violent Video Games as Exemplary Teachers: A Conceptual Analysis." ProQuest. 27 July 2007. Web. 30 Nov. 2009.

Mattaini, Mark A. "The Globilazation Of Violent Behavior." ProQuest. 12 Sept. 2001. Web. 30 Nov. 2009.

The Lancet, ed. "Is Exposure to Violence a Public Health Risk?" ProQuest. 5 Apr. 2008. Web. 29 Nov. 2009.

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