Violence in the Schools

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The problem we are facing today with violence in the schools is a major concern with communities everywhere. Juvenile homicide is twice as common today as it was in the mid 1980's. It isn't the brain that the kids are born with that has changed in half a generation; what has changed though is the easy access to guns and the glorification of revenge in real life and in entertainment. Crime in and around schools is threatening the well being of students, as well as the staff and surrounding communities. It also affects the learning and student achievements.

Violence is found more in public schools rather than Catholic schools. Most Catholic schools have less tolerance and is a better teaching environment. It is said that uniforms help to keep more peace in the school. The students don't get made fun of for not wearing the "in look" or name brand clothing. Making fun of, or laughing at other students contribute to low self-esteem, which is one characteristic of a student who brings violence in the schools.

In 1997, more than ½ of the schools reported at least one crime incident. Also, in 1997 one out of ten schools reported at least on serious violent crime. Ten percent of all public schools have experienced one or more serious violent crimes, such as, murder, rape, suicide, sexual battery, and physical attack of fighting with a weapon or robbery.

Crime and violence seem to be more of a problem in high schools and middle schools rather than elementary schools. In 1997 45% of elementary schools reported on or more acts of violence, middle schools reported 74% and high schools 75%.

One of the goals of the National Education Goals was that by the year 2000, all schools in America will be free of drugs, alcohol, violence and the presence of firearms by unauthorized personnel. The also wanted a disciplined environment that is acceptable for learning. This goal has obviously not been reached yet.

The crimes that are occurring the most in schools are vandalism, theft/larceny, physical attacks or fighting without a weapon. The report of physical attack or fighting with a weapon was calculated as 6%. Even though weapons related crime is not as high of a percentage as everything else, it is still one of the biggest and must be eliminated. Weapons are one of the worst things that could happen in a school.

The school admini...

... middle of paper ... of other people. So there is no real way to explain the tragedies that keep occurring. Let's take preventive measures now, rather than after it occurs. Let's not have a Columbine before something is done.


Newsweek, 12/20/99, Cracking Down on Kids

U.S. News & World Report, 12/31/99, Ground Zero of Zero-Tolerance for Violence

Christian Science Monitor, 11/18/99, Preventing School Violence

Christian Science Monitor, 11/05/99, Making Schools Safer and Violence Free

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