Violence in Schools

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In The National Center for Education Statistics’ Indicators of School

Crime and Safety 2000 T.R. Canady (2001) “indicates that 12-18 year

olds were the victims of 2.7 MILLION school crimes in 1998, including

252,700 non-fatal serious violent crimes.” Even after Columbine, the

highly publicized school shooting, violence in schools is still going

strong with in a place where the last thing on the kids’ minds should

be. They, the adults,” have tried to resolve these problems by using

force and fear to control these kids. Problems in schools are on the

rise with other issues such as violence, drug and teen pregnancy. To

solve this growing problem we need to first address what is the root

cause of this behavior. Kids now days are neglected by parents left at

home watching TV, while the parents are working. The kids observe so

much polluted material on the television it almost seems casual when

they do such hideous acts which is repeated over time. Kids are SO

desensitized from the things they see on TV, video games, movies. Kids

tend to imitate what they see exposing them to violence before they

can understand it doesn’t help them when the parents are not there to

watch over them.

Especially with the moral decay of our society, people act

without regard for others, kids having babies, fatherless

families, unsupervised and unwanted children don’t always get

the necessary attention they need to function acceptably in our

society. However, all parts involved with schools are making a move to

try and stop the violence and problems within schools which includes

the parents, the government/police, and the administrative office at

schools with the addition of kids who prevent such disasters from


In the studies conducted by Leonard Eron, Ph.D., and his associates at

the University of Illinois, APA (2005)” found that children who

watched many hours of TV violence when they were in elementary school

tended to also show a higher level of aggressive behavior when they

became teenagers. By observing these youngsters until they were 30

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