Violence: The Role Of Political Rule In Early Russia

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Political rule in early Russia would have an enormous impact on their overall development, as well as, keeping the region at a state of violence. When leaders weren’t keeping the populace happy through their political rule, uprising would occur, “There was malice among the people, and they rose against Prince Mstislav Yurievich and began to drive him from Novgorod, but merchants took up arms for him. And brother quarreled with brother” Rebellions would come in numerous other times in early Russia, and would even be seen against political officials not the ruler. “After killing Morozov’s steward the entire people and the strelsi destroyed Morozov’s home that nothing was left. They broke apart all valuable possessions and threw it in the street as a statement. …show more content…

One plundered Pleshchev’s house; the other the house of State Chancellor Nazarii Ivanovich Chistii…They dragged him from the secret hold or store room, and immediately without pity or mercy they killed him with oak clubs.” Rebellions were not the only form of violence within a political rule, violence was seen amongst the high ranking officials, nobles and tsar. In order to get what they wanted, they stop any who would oppose them. Ivan the Terrible would be a prime example of violence brought to the state and its people through political rule. “Wishing to destroy the old feudal system of Russia, by which the princes were practically independent rulers of their appanages, Ivan IV began a systematic purge of aristocracy in the late 1550’s and many nobles died on the scaffold.” These political states of violence would influence the development of early Russia through the centuries. Not only would Russia be at a state of violence for centuries politically, but culturally as

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