Violence In A Long Way Gone

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Ishmael Beah,who is just a twelve year old young boy, tries to manage a way to survive his way out of war by hopping from one village after another. A story named “A Long Way Gone” written by Ishmael himself where he, his brother, and two friends were to leave their village for safety, but along the way they experienced many violence that is said to be inhumane in society today. Violence is said to be the intention to hurt, damage, or kill someone. These are what Ishmael has faced both physical, psychological, and socially on his way to survival with three other people. From the first time he had experienced violence, it was not just on him, but also on the group of his friends and only brother, Junior. Since, Baeh, Junior, and two other friends were …show more content…

This scene stood out because it showed how strong they actually were, but the more I think about it. That was not the case. They were all traumatized and had no courage to speak of what just happened. Though, I believed this sudden attacked helped Beah for what he is about to experience in the future considering this as “mild”. Another event where Ishmael Beah came across violence was when his only brother, Junior died. “I was scared when the wind blew, shaking the thatched roofs, and I felt as if I were out of my body wandering somewhere”(page 62). Losing someone related to you after trying not to lose yourself to war can be said as heartbreaking. Ishmael described the feeling as if his body was wandering somewhere else meaning he is not himself at the moment because he just lost someone close to him. He feels as though he was too afraid it might happen to him one day too. Another incident where Ishmael has experienced violence is -- “one of the unsettling things about my journey, mentally, physically, and emotionally, was that I wasn’t sure when or where it was going to end. I didn’t know what i was going to do with my life. I felt like I

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