Video Games: A Plague or a Benefit to Society?

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When a parent is asked about video games, the first thing that comes to their mind is that they are bad for everyone, and this has always been the case for several video games. In today 's world, video games are becoming more popular and accessible to everyone. Most of the games that are being played by players involve violence and with its increase in popularity, they are often portrayed as a plague to society by many for years. However, despite these drawbacks, they are still suitable for providing learning, health, and social benefits that can improve a person’s daily life, making them worthwhile. Before getting to the beneficial aspect of video games, it is important to know that they can still provide many harmful effects on the person playing. According to the Entertainment Software Rating Board, the most popular gaming franchise that is being played by both genders is Grand Theft Auto, a game that includes strong sexual content, strong languages, and violence, and retailers like GameStop could care less into selling these video games to the unintended audience as stated by GameStop CEO, Paul Raines on a Play4Real article written by Jack. Other video games like Call of Duty, for instance, can bring out the aggressive behavior of a player, by continually losing a multiplayer match, according to a study by the Journal of the American Medical Association. In fact, many of these violent video games are playable on multiple platforms …show more content…

Everyone should not take video games seriously, provided that many pieces of evidence are already showing how important video games are to the society. Altogether, it seems reasonable to assume that video games are astonishing, and they can provide many worthwhile benefits to the person playing while being entertained at the same

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