Victiology And Criminology

897 Words2 Pages

Allison Crain
Instructor Oliver
English 101-D22
6 June 2017
Victimology has been around for several years. There has always been a need and demand for the special study. No matter where one goes, there is always going to be crime and it seems as if it is only getting worse and worse over the years. In the study of Victimology, the purpose is to study the effects that a crime has on a victim. Some may be confused by Victimology and Criminology. Though they somewhat deal with the same situations, there is a difference between the two. “Criminology is the study of crime. Victimology is the study of victims. Where there is crime, there are victims. You need one for the other and vice versa” (Kevin Aston, Lecturer of Criminology at …show more content…

Victimology puts first understanding the roles that the victims played in the crime and what caused them to be victimized, such as their actions and their behavior that took place during the crime. “The study of victimology is a fairly new subset in the study of criminology and emerged in the 1940s and 1950s. The early work of German scholar Hans von Hentig focused upon the need to examine the relationship between the victim and the criminal act” (Doerner & Lab, 2008). “He developed a classification typology of crime victims and argued that there were not only physical elements to consider (i.e. female, frail), but also various social and psychological disadvantages common to many crime victims” (Doerner & Lab, 2008). For example, when one has been in an abusive relationship for so long, they become so accustomed to what they are going through that it makes it so much more harder to leave their abuser, even if the abuse they experienced has been ongoing physical, emotional, or mental …show more content…

These theories are called victim precipitation theory, the lifestyle theory, deviant place theory, and the routine activities theory. The victim precipitation theory is viewed from the view of the victim themselves and the way that they may either passively or actively initiate the crime or act that would lead up to death. During passive precipitation, the victim may involuntarily show certain behaviors or characteristics that would lead them to initiate or encourage the

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