Vena Cava Syndrome Case Study

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When there is a blockage or compression of the superior vena cava then superior vena cava syndrome can occur. In Dr. Bob Johnston's case (a smoker of 37 years) lung cancer could be the cause. At first, Johnston's symptoms were assumed to be allergies. He was familiar with the headache, stuffiness and congestion during the spring season. As a result, his physician prescribed a higher dose of antihistamines to counteract the irritants. The patient blamed his weight gain, feeling unwell, head fullness and facial swelling on the new dosage of antihistamine medication. Johnston called 911 after his sleep was interrupted due to chest pain, difficulty breathing especially while lying flat, and trouble swallowing. On his way to the hospital, other …show more content…

The use of steroids should be avoided in this case since lung cancer is a likely cause. However, diuretics to reduce the fluid buildup can be used. Superior vena cava syndrome can indeed prove to be life threatening. More extensive treatment can vary depending on the cause of the syndrome. In this case, the patient’s history of carcinogenic exposure to his lungs may require a treatment route of radiation or chemotherapy. In order to thoroughly treat the syndrome, the malignant cause must also be treated. In addition to the cancer combating therapies, a stent can also be placed in the superior vena cava of the heart. This helps promote blood flow and can even prevent life threatening complications such as a heart attack. Stenting is a relatively safe and effective treatment when dealing with this syndrome. Bypass surgery is a procedure used when there is a block of the coronary arteries. This is why the patient’s heart was not receiving enough blood and the complications ensued. Finally, if the tumor has not spread, surgical removal can be effective. A section or the entire lung can be removed. The removal of the lung as a whole is called pneumonectomy. Some of the risks include infection, organ failure,blood clots and collection of pus in the pleural

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