Veda Patel's Letter From Birmingham

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Veda Patel- Notes in Letter From Birmingham -People claimed King and his staff to be “outsiders coming in”
● Explains his invitation to Birmingham by a local affiliate of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
● Was asked to help then with a non violent protest there
● Have right to fight injustice wherever it may be (right?)
-His actions were called “unwise” and “untimely”
○ Not “unwise” because white leaders wouldn’t listen or negotiate, so they had no more options
■ some may ask if this was really the only other option (possible other options?)
■ The nonviolent direct action was done to make tension and force them to negotiate
○ Not untimely
■ People told him that they should let time fix the problem but African Americans had already been waiting too long for their rights …show more content…

If they did not so something they would be progressing backwards and not forwards.
■ Past progress in history had only occured when people acted and created tensions with those in power—> civil disobedience, as opposed to violence
-Must break unjust laws to progress
○ What is an unjust law?
■ MLK said that laws that don't apply to everyone are unjust and those that do apply to everyone are just —> segregation laws are unjust
■ Says that segregation laws were unjust as they did not follow the democratic process (blacks couldn’t vote —>not democratic )
○ Argues him breaking the law doesn’t mean he doesnt respect law
■ He wants to strengthen the power of laws and this can only be done by maintaining just laws, while removing unjust ones
-Exposing an existing tension
○ He didn't create this tension. He unveiled an existing tension that had been suppressed for a long time due to fear
■ By exposing this tension, a resolution could finally be made
-Time will heal
○ Says time cannot heal. It is neutral
■ Its a tool that can be used for good or

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