Vasopressor Syncope: A Common Emergency In Dental Settings

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Our group was assigned the topic on vasopressor syncope, a common emergency in the dental settings precipitated due to fear, anxiety and stress associated with dental treatment. Our emergency scenario highlighted a young woman, in her late twenties, who avoids visiting the dentist for extended periods of time due to dental fear. Her appointment for NSPT required her to get local anesthetic.She displayed classic signs & symptoms such as being pale, sweaty, feeling warm and clenching the armrest (white knuckles syndrome) and was in an overall state of panic. After seeing the needle, she loses consciousness and the dental team quickly use ammonia vaporole to help her regain consciousness. In the event, she did not regain consciousness BLS procedures are performed and she is placed in supine position with feet higher than her head.
It is absolutely crucial to always be prepared for an emergency situations and in this scenario the quick thinking helped resolve the situation and prevent it from getting worse.The taping of the ammonia vaporole in the operatory provides easy access and prevents delay of emergency management. However, this situation could have been avoided if the …show more content…

An unprepared clinician will likely freeze and be unsure what needs to be done next. In an emergency situation every second counts and can be a matter of life and death. It is important to never assume that an emergency will not occur if a patient appears to be healthy, an emergency like syncope is more common among individuals who are in good overall health. Hence, taking the time and asking questions during the medical/dental health history interview will help the clinician pick up on clues and cues on the patient’s state of mind and help prevent an emergency situation. In an event an emergency thus occurs, all the resources available must be utilized efficiently and

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