Valley Forge Dbq Analysis

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Imagine, sick soldiers, small huts, vomit, smoke everywhere near you, people crying "No Meat! No meat!" the terror of seeing everyone suffer. During December of 1777, Washington decided to set a winter camp at Valley Forge for the next few months. They set up "huts" with cold hard straw to sleep on. March 1st is the end of my enlistment, and I would leave/ not re-enlist, because of the terrible conditions, the risk of dying, and if it was truly worth it or not. The conditions and environment of valley forge were horrifying. There was very poor ventilation, and Dr Waldo even claimed that it "smoak'd out his senses" (Doc C.) With the poor ventilation, I could easily get majorly sick and die from it. The clothing the soldiers wore, were all ripped and faded (Doc C.) With those clothing, I would get frostbite or get sick and die. You'd think that the soldiers would get energy by eating rich, luscious, food, but instead, they had "cakes" which were just flour and water. (Doc C) Though in Document C it says "Yet they still show a spirit of Alacrity" I would still leave because I wouldn't be able to deal with all the harsh conditions, and to top it all off they had to live in tiny huts, 12 people each. …show more content…

At Valley Forge, the weather and conditions were terrible (Document C) so I could get sick and die, and in Document A it stated that 1800 - 2500 died just because of sickness, which means that most people have already gotten sick, including doctors like Dr Waldo (Doc C) so the doctors would not be able to help too much with your sickness. Because of all the sick soldiers(Doc C and A), I can infer that when we go into battle we'd be very weak and we'll have a very slim chance of

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