Negative Essay On Vaccines

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Who likes getting a shot? Shots are given from birth and continued through the elderly years. Shots are used to prevent all sorts of illnesses and diseases. However, there are risks and controversy involved. Arguably vaccines can help or hurt the individual. Time will tell the verdict of the discussion about whether vaccines will still be used. Vaccines are one of modern medicine 's game-changing breakthroughs, but they have been around for hundreds of years earlier in primitive forms. Dating back to medieval times, the first precursor to modern vaccination occurred in China around the tenth century. (2) Known as variolation or inoculation, the method was used to prevent smallpox that plagued Europe and Asia. (2) Chinese doctors found that when healthy people were exposed to smallpox scab tissue, they were less likely to get infected or got a milder, less dangerous case. (2) The most common form of inoculation in China was to crush smallpox scabs into powder and then breathe it through the nose.(2) Because smallpox was such a destructive disease, in the late 1700 's, George Washington ordered mandatory inoculation for troops who hadn 't survived smallpox before. (2) Also in the late 1700 's, Edward Jenner …show more content…

It is recommended that babies receive several vaccines before they are six months old. This period in an infant 's life is also when the majority of SIDS cases happen. (4) Ninety percent of all SIDS deaths take place between birth and six months, with a peak between 2 and 4 months of age. (4) Many scientific studies have been done across the world to evaluate the possibility that vaccination may increase the risk of SIDS. (4) Scientists have studied two groups of children, vaccinated and unvaccinated for the occurrence of SIDS. (4) None of the scientific studies have shown a difference in the number of SIDS cases in vaccinated

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