V For Vendetta Themes

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The United States have always been viewed as a democracy. It has been portrayed as the land of the free for many years. Out of all of these years the States have not been free. It is all a façade and a very good one at that. There are many norms and values that have been placed upon society and have been accepted in the eyes of the public. “V for Vendetta” is a film that is based off of the graphic novel that was written by Alan Moore. Though the novel V for Vendetta was written in the 1980’s the drama film was released in 2006 and it definitely made a political statement. The film surfaced political and social norms, religious beliefs, and a sense of morality through the significance of the themes and the meanings behind them.
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On one token, it seems pretty evident being that V combats the fascist government in order to free the people. V’s actions can be classified as good vs evil, however, the way he goes about achieving that freedom is what conflicts with the morality of his character. It allows one to question whether or not his actions are wrong, even though he is trying to do something right. He can be somewhat of a savage when he kills guilty and innocent equally notwithstanding of their repentance. V has some bad ways in which he finds himself capturing this orphan girl named Evey. He tortures and emotionally abuses her until she finally breaks down. He does this so that way she can see things the same way that he does despite the fact that she has her own desires and beliefs. The fact that he manipulates and brainwashes her it allows the audience to think that V is a bad guy being hat his sense of morality goes out of the window from time to time. Though people may consider that evil he still means well and does what he does with good intentions. Though his actions are not heroic he still captures the attention of the audience in a way that allows him to show how he is a dynamic character. If this were any other story he may as well be the villain based on his actions, but he is the hero in V for Vendetta. The main point of interest of V for Vendetta is freedom and its …show more content…

It was very deep and has the potential to have an entire audience on edge being that it is filled with excitement and very vivid details from start to finish. In the movie V states that “people should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people”. This statement is the epitome of today’s government and the government that was in the film. People are often afraid of what they cannot see and touch. Government cannot be seen or touched but it can be changed and the only way to do that is by implementing positive methods in approaching or addressing problems. The United States is a prime example of a democracy however every country has its fallacies within its government. Though the U.S. has been portrayed as the land of the free just like V there is always someone willing to try to put everything on the line in order to gain victory for the entire country and not just

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