V For Vendetta Dystopian

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In class over winter week we watched a movie called V for Vendetta. James Mcteigue directed the film and published it in 2006. This movie came from a Graphic novel series written by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. This movie is in the genre of dystopia, for it aligns with many common traits of Dystopian fiction. These characteristics that it contains are: State propaganda, Strict conformity, Advanced technology, Constant surveillance, a protagonist who questions society, a brutal unjust penal system, Origin in some disaster that cause dramatic changes to society, and A nation-state ruled by an upper class. The film is set the future in London. The head chancellor rules over this state. The Government punishes its people to maintain control, and it uses fear to keep control. In the movie the Government uses State propaganda. The British Television Network is the only national network, and its used to spread propaganda. The Network broadcasted that the vigilante “V” was dead, but this was a lie. The Government also had signs all around the state. To enforce their propaganda, for example one read “Unity, Unity, Unity through faith”.
Another Dystopian
The disaster that caused an uprising of the chancellor and his parliament members was a little unclear in the story. Although we can see that there was a large war, and a huge plague of disease. In the film we can see that it was devastating and thousands upon thousands of people died. The final characteristic that I found was a nation-state ruled by an upper-class. In the film the party and its members control the state. This movie represents a dystopia in order to give our contemporary society a warning. In most genres the movie’s main purpose is to convey a message. While in dystopias the main job of the movie is convey a warning to society. To show a bad future to the audience to make sure that the present is

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