Using Violence to Solve Problems

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Using Violence to Solve Problems

Some Christians believe that violence isn't the answer and that it

shouldn't be used in any situation. They believe that there are other

ways to solve problems. Jesus avoided using violence when he was being

arrested. He told one of his disciples to put down his sword. I think

that Jesus wanted to prove to the soldiers that he was a peaceful man

no matter what they thought. He wanted to show them that he didn't

want to cause any trouble. Christians say that Jesus could have

defended himself but he showed that he meant what he preached and we

should follow in his footsteps.

Helder Camara was the Archbishop of Olinda and Recife. The people

suffered terribly but Camara didn't use violence to help them. He

supported the Gospel message 'non- violent action.' Camara said

himself: "to take non- violence action, is to believe more firmly in

the truth, in justice and in love, than in the power of falsehood

injustice and hatred." If Camara can help a country to become a better

place with out using violence then some Christians say that we should

resist the temptation of abusing someone to get your own way.

Another person who helped civilisation, by helping white people and

black people become one, was Martin Luther King. He showed that

everybody is equal no matter how different they look. He didn't

arrange a big army of black people to kill a population of white

people did he? No, in fact it was the very opposite. He preached a

peaceful message. He joined black people in freedom marches. He led a

bus boycott. Because of this he was sent to jail and his house was

bombed. The Montgomery boycott was a clear victory for non- violent

protest. "This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well

as white men, would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life,

liberty and the pursuit of happiness." (A quote from the Martin Luther

King speech 'I have a dream') He did succeed but was assassinated very

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