Using Satire To Create Positive Social Change

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There are many things that we can learn from literature and words that can create social change and help us overcome adversity. We can learn from characters in literature, that by using our relationships with others we can overcome our life's adversities. Understanding satire can help us recognize flaws in society and create positive social change. Lastly, through literature we can learn through storytelling how to cope with difficult times and create social change. We can learn from characters in literature and words that our relationships with others can help us to overcome our life’s adversities and contribute to social change. Examples of this can be found in Big Fish, specifically at the end of the movie when Edward and his son Will settle their past differences and Will tells his Dad the way that he dies. This inspired Will to carry on the stories of his father and tell them to his own son. In Macbeth he uses his …show more content…

An example of satire is in Shrek, the movie proves that we should not judge a book by its cover and that in society we are often quick to judge people. This was the case for Shrek because people immediately assumed he was evil and people never took the time to get to know him. The Yes Men use satire to expose the people gender stereotype too much. Their solution to this was switching the voice boxes G.I. Joe dolls and Barbie Dolls, but instead of kids being upset with this they found it humorous, this showed that kids don't need society to decide what toys they should enjoy. My final example is from the attacks on the Charlie Hebdo attacks. The satiric magazine released a magazine cover that was offensive to the muslim community. The cover created created a great deal of social change because muslim extremists took great offense to this and forced their way into the headquarters in Paris and shot and killed 12 and injured 11

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