Urban Population, Megacities, and Motivation

805 Words2 Pages

Urban Population, Megacities, and Motivation

The social phenomenon of urbanization and emergence of megacities in

the world’s inhabitation pattern is proved to be an effect that

co-exists with human. The biggest launch of the early centuries was

caused by the Industrial Revolution and in the latest years,

Globalization, established a new basis to the issue. It has been

observed to have had a most rapid growing rate in the 20th century due

to mainly internal migration of native people from rural areas to

cities, that in combination with the global growing birth rate and

technology revolution has brought this effect to the proscenium of

more economically developed countries and developing countries of the

world. As a result of this, several “megacities” have been created

with population over 10 million people. Urbanization has raised a

series of major problems in energy supply, homelessness, pollution and

destruction of natural habitats, high concentration of population and

crime. Alongside with urbanization, side effects raised e.g.

conurbation. In general terms urbanization is caused by the mass

population searching for better living standards, more chances of

employment and higher wages, as it is believed that services and

economy are concentrated and mainly developed in cities.

At the beginning of the 20th centuries 2 cities exceeded a million

people population, what is known as millionaire cities. Today there

are over 300 of them.

By the begin...

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