Upanishads In Hinduism

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First question that arises in our mind is what are Upanishad?

Upanishads are collection of texts that constitute the major concept of Hinduism. The

Upanishads are considered by Hindus to contain utterances (sruti) concerning the nature of

ultimate reality and describes the character of and path to human salvation (moksa or mukti).

In Upanishad the central ideas are concept of Brahman & Soul. & are the spiritual core of

Hindu. The full meaning of Upanishad is (u = at, pa = foot, nishat =sitting down) means that to

"sitting at the foot/feet of" Example- a student is sitting near the Guru and receiving the

knowledge by his own interest.

Upanishad constitute the supreme achievement of Hindu thought. Upanishads as the name

imply, embody …show more content…

Vedas are of four types Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva . A Veda is divided into four parts, namely,

Samhita, Brahmana, Aranyaka and Upanishad. Therefore, Upanishad forms the last part of a

given Veda. Since Upanishad forms the end part of a Veda it is also called as Vedanta.

Accordingly Isavasyopanishad explains Work and Knowledge, State of unspiritual, Atman,

Knowledge through non-attachment and Devotion. It contains 18 mantras and each mantra has

its own significant value. It has a very deep meaning only in few lines. In the starting it explains

that the visible and invisible both are infinite so if we add or subtract anything from infinite

then the answer is always infinite. After this it tells us about world, lord, renunciation, atman,

divinity, scripture, evils, demoniac, way of living, life process(cycle), rituals etc.

The first mantra refers to jnana- nishtha which explains that all the changes either visible or

unvisible are prevadad by Lord and by this renunciation(helps to attain the bliss born of it) …show more content…

I think that the God is not a ordinary thing & we should

have faith in god so that we can walk on right path and think for sometime because god is the

only truth. Renunciation is the result of the knowledge of Truth and is meant for those who

have the ability to abandon all desires and establish themselves in knowledge alone.

In vedas it was considered as the life of a human is hundred years, So by performing work a

person want to live hundred years, such that we can free from evil deeds as a sannyasin who

gave his all desires of life. while leaving in this world we have to work hard(good karms) so that

our life is useful in some way. In this a duty of sannyasin who is competent to devote himself

exclusively to the contemplation of Atman.

If we are kind than others are also kind with us or vice versa. If we do not realized self and are

therefore competent only for work then we will get involved in the process of life like ( life after

death in a different sphere or in different form ) and this will continue until realization of the

self. The self is one, it is unmovable but it is faster than mind, sense is beyond its reach and

atman is consider as the sustainer of all activities. Atman is always pure and it does no action

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