Unrealistic Body Image Essay

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63% of women think the typical ‘body image’ represented by the fashion industry is unrealistic. 47% of these women also believe that this body image is unhealthy; yet 60% of these women admit that they compare their bodies to these models and wish they looked like them (“NYC”). These numbers are far too large. The photos we see in the media are leading people into unhealthy body images. Unrealistic body images in the media and fashion industry should be put to end by not using photoshop, using more varied models, and models with healthy standards. Just about every photo used on any type of advertisement has been fiddled with in one way of another. Photoshoppers and retouchers are not only altering these images that we see, but also our minds. Retouchers edit everything (“HLNTV”). They elongate necks, remove blemishes, enlarge eyes, raise cheekbones, tuck in unflattering extra fat on the body, and much more. These changes are made to make models look more attractive. Retouching programs such as Photoshop and Adobe CS3 are used to totally change the appearance of models based on what type of advertisement it is (“ThePhotoForum”). …show more content…

A majority of the models displayed on television and in advertisements are well below what is considered healthy body weight (“Anad”). In todays society, girls are growing up thinking that these women on advertisements are healthy and the ideal body image. As girls get older, they look up to the women on billboards and on magazines as the “ideal body”. By trying to achieve similar bodies, girls are becoming bulimic, anorexic, and damaging their bodies in many other ways. When girls see these unrealistic images, they are being exposed to unrealistic views of beauty. When girls do not appear the same as the models in magazines, this causes them to lose self esteem and feel bad about

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