Overcrowding in the united states prison

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People are constantly hearing on the news the many crimes that are occurring in our nation, everything ranging from burglary, to assault, to even murder. But what we don’t hear about is what goes on after the arrest. Most people assume that once a criminal is detained, they are put in jail and are released only after their sentence is completed. It turns out, this is not always the case. This is due to prison overcrowding, which is when the number of prisoners exceeds the capacity of the jail they are being held in. In some areas, such as California, this has become a substantial problem. Many jails do not have the resources to provide for additional convicts once they have reached capacity, so they must figure out a way to deal with these excess prisoners, which most of the time includes spending more money. Other times, the prisoner may be released well before their sentence is up. This has raised many conflicts, ones we are still trying to find solutions for. Conflicts we are still trying to find solutions for. As a group, we will address the main topics that surround prison overcrowding, which includes the current state of prison affairs, the effects on the prisoners and guards, the effects on the population, and previous attempted reforms so that we may design a plan of reform that will seek justice and serve the greater good of this country. The United States currently has the largest prison population and incarnation rate among developed countries. The United States’ problems with overcrowding can be attributed to the policies of the 1980s which gave us the major contributors to the problem, Reganomics, the war on drugs, and a decline in investment for social programs. These policies also coincided with the introduction of crack-cocaine into American cities. This created a large increase in the crime rate which was amplified by the reduction in

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