Effects Of Overpopulation In Prisons

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The overpopulation in the prison system in America has been an on going problem in the United States for the past two decades. Not only does it effect the American people who are also the tax payers to fund all of the convicts in prisons and jails, but it also effects the prisoners themselves. Family members of the prisoners also come into effect. Overpopulation in prison cause a horrible chain reaction that causes nothing but suffering and problems for a whole bunch people. Yet through all the problems that lye with the overpopulation in prisons, there are some solutions to fix this ongoing huge problem in America. In America alone, we have the highest prison population in the world. There are about 2,200,000 Americans incarcerated in jails, …show more content…

The prison population grew dramatically from 1980-2009 from 300,00 convicts to 1.6 million and counting. China, which has a population of 1.3 billion people does not even have a number that close of people incarcerated. In fact China alone only has 1,500,000 people incarcerated. This mainly has to do with the face that in America there are mandatory minimum sentences for non violent petty crimes. For example petty theft in other countries might get you slap on the wrist but in America you may get sentence for 3-6 months alone. Very harsh drug violation has also led to the high incarceration rate. For example during Bill Clinton 's reign as president he introduced the crime bill act which put harsher sentencing on drug related crimes. For example four grams of crack cocaine could get you mandatory minimum of four years in prison. The drug years played a huge part on how the criminal justice system has evolved. Richard Nixon was the first president to introduce the war on drugs and use a harsh …show more content…

It cost a lot of money to keep one prisoner taken care of with food, medical, and housing. Instead of using that tax money on a prisoner, if that funding were to go to an after school program it would be more beneficiary. More programs for schools lead to children having an activity to do after school instead of getting into some sort of mischief and then getting a criminal record which then produces a vicious cycle of criminal behavior. That criminal cycle will then continue and add to the already overpopulated prison system. The goal here it prevent the blooming of a possible juvenile delinquent into a convicted criminal it before it even starts. So using the tax money that would 've been used on a low level convict who got busted for marijuana lets say, would be used to help prevent future convict to begin with. Not only school programs, but even things that would help improve communities such as parks, job creations, etc. All these things could also help prevent future prisoners because parks are used for activity for children to gather and socialize instead of getting to criminal mischief and job creations are used to prevent being in poverty which is retrospect is one of the main reason people end up in criminal activity. So all in all as you can see, there would be so much benefits in using tax money from a low level convict to the future of our

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