Unitary System Vs Confederal System

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In the Unitary System, ultimate government authority is located within the national government and centralized in one institution i.e. a monarchy (2018, pg. 45). The national government receives its authority from the people and the national government then gives power to local and regional governments. In the Federal System, national and state governments receive their authority entirely from the people with national government reigning supreme. In the Confederal, or Confederate, System, the national government gets its power from the states, which the people give power to. For each of the three systems, the primary source of government authority varies. In the Confederal System, the states appear to be the supreme power as they have the same powers as the national government as well as their own. …show more content…

47). In the Federal system, the people are the main channel for government authority on both the state and national levels. The Unitary system’s local and regional governments derive authority from the national government. Although the three systems do differ in their source for governmental authority, both the Unitary and Federal Systems’ national governments receive their power from the people. The Unitary and Confederal Systems have no similarities is structure as the flow in the Confederal goes people, states, national; while the Unitary System goes people, national, local. In other words, the second and third stages of government are flipped, but the people are the basis for all three systems of government. I would prefer the federal system because as demonstrated previously in history, the Confederal System is too weak and does not allow for the national government to settle state disputes. The Federal System gives the most power to the people out of the three, and allows for more input into decisions affecting the general

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