Artistic Journey: Wonder, Curiosity, and Transformation

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The focus of my folio for his year was to capture a sense of wonder and curiosity. During unit 3 I began by exploring different mediums to get a feel for the different attributes they bring to a piece. However, I found that though how art was completed is important, the what is more significant. I wanted to tell some sort of story, either one of my own or one that had significantly impacted my life in some form, particularly through childhood. I also aimed to emphasise contrast and symbolism with a touch of dark context. These aspirations for what I visioned at the beginning played a large role in helping me decide what story and emotion I wanted to tell.
Throughout my design process I found the focus becoming skewed as my mind was always drawn to something else, other than the ideas that I had planned to explore at the beginning of Unit 3. Thus, what I wanted to explore shifted. During term 4, I began finding interest in the full human form, opposed to alien type skulls that I conveyed an interest in term 3. I decided to mix and match conflicting ideas. I had no expectations for this to work, however I kept with it because my haphazard method of trying things that probably will not work is how I stumble my way from painting to painting.
This became a roadblock for me as I always wanted to add everything from my potential directions that I liked into the one piece and after some extremely frustrating attempts, it wasn't working for me. Plan B was to pick and choose my favourite, most wondrous pieces, that best represented my focus. I was down to two pieces. First, the alien skulls; secondly, the Where the Wild Thing Are graphite piece. I began with the latter, I found that the monochromatic feel to it was too dull and it needed a little colour. So I completed a coloured version in gouache. But I soon got annoyed at this because it did not work out the way I wanted it

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