Unilateral Mistake: The Michael Jordan Case

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Carla Mendoza Due Monday at 5:00 PM on Monday October 19 1. What is the difference between a unilateral mistake and a bilateral mistake of fact? Identify which theory was applied in the Michael Jordan case discussed at the beginning and end of the chapter and explain what the mistake of fact was. A unilateral Mistake- is when only one individual in the party of the contract has knowledge of the mistake on the contract either due to a void, or a clerical error. A Bilateral Mistake- is where both parties of the contract are in knowledge of the mistake in the agreement. In my opinion I this was a bilateral mistake in the fact that Knafel knew of the other potential fathers of her child but focused solely on Jordan for the purpose of money. …show more content…

A Delegation is the process by which responsibility and authority for performing a task or activity is transferred to another person. 12. What is the difference between compensatory and consequential damages? Compensatory damages help compensate you for the economic loss caused by a broken contract. Consequential damages are those caused indirectly by the broken contract. 13. What is the difference between punitive and nominal damages? Nominal damages are generally recoverable by a plaintiff who successfully establishes that he or she has suffered an injury caused by the wrongful conduct of a defendant. Punitive damages are awarded not as compensation, but to punish the wrongdoer and to act as a deterrent to others who might engage in similar conduct. 14. What is the difference between legal remedies and equitable remedies? The difference between a legal claim and an equitable claim is: a legal claim, a plaintiff explains to the court how the defendant's actions cause him to suffer a loss. An equitable claim, a plaintiff who seeks equitable relief is asking the court for an injunction (a court order compelling a party to do or refrain from doing a specified

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