Command and Control: Essential Skills in Uniformed Public Service

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The Skills and qualities required for command and control in Uniformed Public Service:

There are many different skills and qualities required for you to command and control in the UPS, such as you being a role model to your team, someone to look up to and what to strive to be one day, that's what every leader should be, confidence, discipline, courage, decisiveness. These all needed to be follow for command and control. If you want to motivate a team those factors will motivate. If you are a team leader you are to put yourself in your men/women's shoes and think what they will be looking for, what they want and what they will listen to, obey and risk there life for. Skills are learnt from experience and dedication to what you want to be, …show more content…

If the lower ranks did not follow the higher command/obey their orders then the ranking structure would not work and the whole hierarchical structure would fail. An example, if a private is told to go clean their dorm by their Staff Sergeant but the private refused to do so and there was no authority there would be no point in the ranking structure, every rank has a higher officer to follow and without that there would be no order. There needs to be authority and if it is not followed then actions would need to be taken by a senior officer, it would be reported by a senior officer and led to a disciplinary hearing, and is ruled over by a CO, military wise would be a court martial. If you do not follow commands given to you it could lead to being discharged, demoted or in prison. Credibility is important as a Leader/commander since it links into respect for them, as a commander you need to be fair in all situation, but do not take sides and if necessary you may not have to be fair to a certain individual due to their actions. You cannot favour certain individuals for what they do, such as in the UPS, if there is someone who knows more and is fitter than anyone else in a squad, you can’t favour that one person since it would affect how everything respects you as a leader and …show more content…

Command and control was needed for this, such as the firefighters, they would off needed to know all places and which bomb got detonated first, who's more likely to more injured and if it's all clear, if any of the tunnels or trains might come down and hurt them or the civilians, this all comes with command, you need Decisiveness at this point since the firefighters have no time to make long plans, as a leader he needed to make a quick plan with the man and equipment he has and to make sure his men were motivated to go in and save the injured, due to the respect the leader had they followed him and followed his orders which shows authority in the UPS and discipline, it also showed that they trusted that commander since they followed his instructions and saved many lives, and that is loyal to the cause, loyalty was shown by them firefighters since they all went in together and kept there mind on the task and did not back away. It took true Confidence and Courage to do what they did since they are risking their own lives to save others. This is why the UPS must be motivated, loyal, confident, and have the correct morale and

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