Underwater Welding Research Paper

318 Words1 Page

What are the methods used in underwater welding? http://www.weldinginfocenter.org/sci_tech/st_02.html Levi, Elia E. "Welding and Science Technology ( Underwater Welding)."Http://www.weldinginfocenter.org/sci_tech/st_02.html. Http://www.weldinginfocenter.org/index.html, 2004. Web. 16 Mar. 2016. .

This article is about welding and technologies in underwater welding.Theres is a lot of things this article talks about,the article states all the benefits and all the disadvantages of underwater welding.The article states a everything about the underwater industry from the processes,the pay,the diving requirements.The article even expands on why underwater welding is important and how it will save money.The article speaks on everything you need

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