Understanding Change in an Organization

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Understanding Change in an Organization


“Somebody once said: ‘The only one who likes change is a wet baby’” (Mariotti, 1996, p. 30). We as human beings are always resistant to change if we are comfortable with surroundings and ourselves. We do not like to be challenged with change because of fear of the unknown. “Resistance is a natural reaction to change” (Maurer, 1996, p. 75). In order to fully change an individual’s style of thinking and working, we must understand the theory and techniques in order to break down the barrier of resistance.


There are several reasons for resistance to change from employees These reasons include fear of the unknown, threatening job security, bad timing, lack of resources, no personal gain, and fear of incompetence. Individuals that are resistant to change fear the unknown when they do not know how it will affect their lives and the changes it will bring. The perceived threat to job security is a factor that will cause resistance. People who think that the change may cause them to lose their job will oppose it. Bad timing also plays a major role in the sense that temporary circumstances may suggest that change should be postponed. At many times corporations may be unsuccessful with change because of lack of resources. This includes skills, abilities, finances, knowledge and staff needed to implement the change. Employees may also be resistant because they have no perception of personal gain with the change. People who think that change will not benefit them personally and fairly are certain to resist it. And last but not least, one of most important resisters to change is fear of incompetence. Some people may fear they will not be able to handle the...

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...essfully with the end product of change efforts (Stone, 1995).


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