Ukrainian Immigration Research Paper

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This essay will focus on the Italian and Ukrainian immigration to the United States in the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century and the Push-pull factors that triggered this migration, (Strangers to These Shores, Pg 150). The United States is known for welcoming Immigrants from all over the world, but in reality, immigrants were treated with hostility. We will also pay close attention the similarities between their assimilations to life in the United States. Like any Outgroup member, both ethnic groups were disrespected for just being foreign and new to the Country, (Strangers to These Shores, Pg 12). Ukrainian and Italians immigrants arrived around the beginning of the 20th century to provide for their families and to escape …show more content…

Ukrainians are slavic people and are eastern slavs. Most of the immigrants came from Western Ukraine. These people searched for a better life, in Ukraine there were advertisements for high pay in the United States which persuaded them to leave, this was the pull factor(Strangers to These Shores, Pg 150) .In order to escape the poverty of peasant life, which would be considered the push factor, men left their families to make their fortune in America, (Strangers to These Shores, Pg 150). This wave of immigration was made possible with the use of steamships. Prior to steamships, intracontinental travel would have taken months by ships, as it was the only way to cross the Atlantic. Ukrainians actually migrated to the United States prior to this mass immigration of the 19th century, during the colonial times. Ivan Bohdan being the first Ukrainian to step on American shores with his friend, Captain John Smith. Like all other European immigrants, they were checked for disease at Ellis Island, those who were not healthy were shipped back to their homeland. The lucky who were accepted worked in rough conditions in the factories and steel mills in cities like Chicago and Detroit. By 1914, 700,000 Ukrainians arrived to the United States. Once the Men who left their wife and children back in Ukraine sent for their families once they …show more content…

Italian emigration was fueled by severe poverty, most immigrants came from Southern Italian Islands, including Sicily and Sardinia. Like the Ukrainians, they came for work to send back home. These Italian peasants had poor crop failure due to unfruitful soil. The low yield lead to malnutrition and disease among the poor. 25,000 Italian immigrants were registered in America by 1870. Between 1880 and 1924, more than 4 Million Italians immigrated to the United States, half of which were between the decade of 1900 to 1910. Italian men experienced Shuttle migration (Strangers To These Shores, pg 171). were they would travel back and forth between Italy and America. Italians were considered bandits and scoundrels. Unfortunately they were also portrayed as having criminality in their genetics. Italians were Catholics, and at the time, the religion was frowned upon by the protestant Americans. Gay Talese, An Italian American writer describes assimilation to American culture as “And so you know the difficulty in becoming an American. It isn’t a sudden process. You get over it. But you don’t ever quite get over it. You carry it with you. That’s the great—and not so great—aspect of being or trying to be an assimilated American.” Today, Italian-Americans ancestry are the fifth-largest ethnic group in the United States. Italians

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