Tyranny Of Cheerfulness Essay

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Tyranny of cheerfulness refers to staying optimistic and happy even though one is going through a difficult time fighting mortality. In the film, it is stated that many women feel alienated by the overly optimistic approach to breast cancer, and many women feel that they cannot have feelings of anger, despair, and hopelessness. This is where tyranny of cheerfulness comes in, the breast cancer movement is so overly optimistic many women feel like they have no choice but to go with the flow and try to join and adapt to the movement. Furthermore, women are not encouraged to be angry because anger is a helpful mechanism to make change if it used the right way, and the breast cancer movement does not want that since they cannot profit from it. This movement want to focus on making it optimistic because it is a great way to drain and deflect the militancy that could be formed by women who have a disease that is epidemic. Also, putting a pretty pink face is problematic because people do not see the women who are hurt by the issue it is symbolizing, they do not see the reality of the issue. Regarding the intersection of fundraising, materialism, commercialism and capitalism, the film showed that …show more content…

While watching the film I was extremely anger and frustrated at how people can try and do make a profit off of an issue so devastating. It just shows how capitalism is taking over in a negative way. Additionally, I myself will no longer support the breast cancer movement after watching the film. Furthermore, I do not remember purchasing something with a pink ribbon. Furthermore, I do not agree with the way the movement is aggressively optimistic since it is important for women who do get breast cancer to feel the anger because it is normal to, and it can be a dangerous thing to ignore feelings of anger or suppress one’s anger. Overall, it is not fair to make breast cancer a normal and pretty situation when it definitely is

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