Two Metaphors Essay

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1. What metaphors did you use, and of all the possible choices, why did you use these metaphors? At least two metaphors must be used, and no more than three may be used.
The metaphors I used were, “Our friendship was a beautiful necklace of pearls” and “Your lies were the yellow pearls in our necklace.” I used these two metaphors because I wanted to tell a story about how a friendship was once beautiful, but then turned awful. Out of all the metaphors I could have done with these two objects, these two metaphors conveyed my message in the clearest way and in a way that gave the poem rhythm.
2. How did you use them in the poem? Explain what the metaphors represent, and comment on how the use of the metaphor works.
The metaphors I used represent a friendship that was once beautiful like a necklace of pearls. However, later on one of the friends could not be trusted anymore. This caused the pearls in the necklace to turn yellow, which is what actually happens to pearls when they become dry and lose moisture. Thus, these metaphors work in the poem because they represent the story being told in an interesting way since they let the reader view the story in a different point of view. The readers can see it as a beautiful necklace with white, shiny pearls, which represents a …show more content…

There is not one specific lie that drives the poem, instead there are several. The lie’s mentioned in the poem are about a friend lying to another friend about how they can be trusted and that all their secrets are safe with them as well as a lie about how pretty the other friend is. Overall, the story inside the poem is about a friendship that was once beautiful like a necklace of pearls. However, later on one of the friends finds out the other friend has been lying to them the whole time and this causes the pearls in the necklace to turn yellow, thus also causing the necklace, which represents the friendship, to turn

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