Twin Peaks In David Lynch's Fire Walk With Me

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The film is outright weird, and it feels that Lynch’s writing style became lackadaisical it felt as if Lynch was “selling out” banking on the success of the series Twin Peaks to incite ticket sales without working hard on the story itself. Within Fire Walk With Me, Lynch delved directly into the murky dark essence of what the story of Twin Peaks is all about. The gloomy and horrifying molestation and inevitable death of Laura Palmer by the hand of her possessed father. However, it is all there, within the TV series as well, though the story arch, writing, and use of quirky characters from the original TV show put it behind a vail. The story Twin Peaks was actually in essence the story of Laura Palmer. However, to audiences and fans, this …show more content…

Though, time heals all wounds and over the past decades though the movie came out and flopped. People began to distinguish the movie as not only being a great piece of art, much more than it or Lynch was ever given credit for, but as actually being brilliantly written. Though, the movie is a disturbing portrait of incest and molestation that at times is extremely hard to watch, it is also impossible to forget. The performances and scenes with Sheryl Lee and Ray Wise as Laura and Leland Palmer is amazing and shows great range while dealing with the subject matter. Though not Oscar worthy performance still the most noteworthy performances of their careers. They deserve credit for …show more content…

AN example if this is Laura Palmer’s death was taken as a enormous deal to everyone in the town of Twin Peaks, no one really cares that the character of Banks has died in Deer Meadows. The Sheriff’s Department, and the police in Deer Meadow are unhelpful towards the FBI showing little to no concern. As well as the local diner Hap’s a stark doppelgänger of the Double R Diner, where the waitress claims that there are “absolutely no specials” on the menu. In place of a gorgeous hotel, Deer Meadow has is a grimy trailer park. The town of Deer Meadows is a straightforward the mirror image of the town Twin

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