Twelfth Night

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In Shakespeare’s comedy Twelfth Night the dynamics of two sets of friendships are able to be contrasted and compared. The friendship of Sir Andrew and Sir Toby and Sebastian and Antonio have differences as well as similar aspects regarding social hierarchy, dependency, and virtue. The dynamics which make up the friendships show the varying role each man plays within their friendship. In Sir Toby and Sir Andrew’s friendship both men view each other as equal in status, while in Sebastian and Antonio’s friendship Sebastian is given power over Antonio. When Sir Andrew enters the room in which the party is being held, he enthusiastically greets Sir Toby and says, “Sir Toby Belch! How now, Sir Toby Belch?”, and Sir Toby replies “Sweet Sir Andrew” …show more content…

Sir Toby does not have enough money to support his drinking habit, so he must rely upon Sir Andrew to help him out. Sir Toby implies this in a conversation he has with Sir Andrew by saying, “thou hadst need send for more money” (2.3.180); demonstrating the dependency Sir Toby has for Sir Andrew in their friendship. Sir Andrew uses his friendship with Sir Toby in order to try to marry Olivia. Sir Andrew says, “if I cannot recover your niece, I am a foul away out” (2.3.181), implying that if he cannot court Olivia, then he will be poor. If Sir Andrew was to become poor, then Sir Toby would not be able to depend upon Sir Andrew for money, and Sir Andrew would not be able to depend upon Sir Toby to help him court his niece; this would cause the friendship to fall apart. In Sebastian and Antonio’s friendship, Antonio entrusts Sebastian with his wallet. When Antonio and Sebastian go to Illyria, Antonio gives Sebastian his wallet and says, “hold, sir, here’s my purse”, implying that Antonio is depending upon Sebastian to take care of his wallet. Sebastian relies upon Antonio for money and directions in Illyria, which Antonio happily gives. Antonio advises Sebastian that he should stay at “the Elephant, [as it] is the best lodge”(3.3.42-43). Antonio also offers to figure out the arrangement for dinner, while

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