Tupac's Emotions In Rap Music

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The music is written by artists who have also been through a lot, they express their emotions in their music. Some of the artists are; Kanye West, Tupac, Drake, Nicki Minaj & Rihanna. People have probably heard the music but they probably haven't heard the emotion and the person behind the music itself? Let's put it in this way, the artist people listen to depends on how they are feeling. Someone whose sad or emotional may listen to Drake while someone whose in anger will listen to Kanye or Tupac. Someone who wants to listen to something upbeat may listen to Nicki Minaj or Rihanna. Each artists has their own way of producing rap and hip hop, the darker the past the more aggression in the music or the more meaningful the lyrics. All of them …show more content…

Tupac Shakur become a legend for rap/hip hop music today for his talent, his struggles as a child (even before birth when his mother was in jail on bombing charges during her pregnancy with Tupac), his violent behavior (many involving crime) and his brutal death. Drake, the world's only black Jewish-Canadian rap star, his music is a great representation on feelings people cannot describe, he openly talks about his emotions. However he may not be so “emotional” in real life but his music is touching. Nicki Minaj and Rihanna’s struggles are quite similar, they both grew up in a family with abusive fathers. Nicki’s father had set fire to their house in a failed attempt to kill her mother. Nicki’s early struggles helped fuel her drive. Minaj said "because I wanted my mother to be stronger, and she couldn't be. I thought, 'If I'm successful, I can change her life.'" Rihanna used singing as an escape from her family problems. She struggled with crippling headaches for several years during her childhood, a condition she attempted to hide from her friends so they wouldn't think she was

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