Tundra Essay

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A tundra is a biome where trees and plants don't grow as much because of the cold freezing temperatures. The tundra has lots of warm animals that contain a lot of fur because of how cold the temperatures are there. There are mountain goats,sheep,marmots, and birds that live up there. The only way those animals survive is by eating the lying insects and eating the plants that rarely grow there. The shelter for these animals is going under a rock because the rocks protect them from the wind and it's warmer for them. Also other animals that live up in the tundra is Arctic foxes, polar bears, gray wolves, caribou, snow geese, and musk-oxen. The Tundra has harsh winters and hard summers. During the summer it last 50-60 days and it is sunny 24/7. …show more content…

Some animals that live in the tundra are like wolves, snowy owls, and hares. These animals are slowly dying off because of many reasons. For the herbivores it is because of the lack of plants to eat and the carnivores are dying because of global warming and also by being hunted by humans. Although they die because of human activities, the animals continue through a cycle that helps overpopulation of animals and species.One abiotic factor that influences the tundra is the strong winds because the winds are not a living thing. Another abiotic factor would be the rainfall that comes in the winter. The tundra is considered the most dangerous biomes due to a few more things. The short summer days is one of the abiotic factors because even though it's 50-60 days of summer there they can be really bad because it stays hot everyday until winter comes back. Also the temperatures of the tundra is an abiotic factor and the temperatures range from -34 degrees celsius and during summer it is 3-12 degrees.One of the biggest threats would probably have to be the ozone depletion at the north and south

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