Trust The Process Essay

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Trusting The Process
Growing up the youngest of three older brothers my parents would always hold me to a higher standard and always expected me to be better than them and not make the same mistakes they made. I would say it matured me a lot faster then most kids my age and made me a really competitive person because I always wanted to be better then them in everything we did to make my parents happy and to show my brothers that i’m just as good as them.
My brothers being 5, 9, and 11 years older than me I wanted to show them I wasn’t a pushover and I could do anything they could do and I could do it better. We were all expected to play at least one sport and my favorite was football, I would watch football every weekend and wake up at 6 am …show more content…

But we weren’t aloud to play football until 7th grade so I had to wait an entire year without football and I was sad. So me and my brother would go in the backyard and he would just help me practice. Before we could play football we had to get a physically and during that physically the doctor found out that I had a swollen spleen and I couldn’t play any contact sports because if I got hit in the right spot just hard enough it could make my spleen start to bleed and kill me. I was absolutely devastated, I begged my mom to just let me play but she wouldn’t let me risk my life for football. On the car ride home I was silent just thinking about how football was taken away from me and how much time I wasted on it.
Surprisingly it brought me closer to the game and it made me realize that I just have to Trust The Process and believe. I still follow football religiously and I always will but although I would rather being playing football I realized that I want to do something with football when I get older. I don’t know if that’s becoming and Scout or a Coach but I know I want to continue my passion for football and I realized that no matter what happens in life, it happens for a reason and you should just Trust The Process and

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