Trust In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet: An Essay
Shakespeare’s reveled classic Romeo and Juliet has successfully transcended time by tackling many of the issues such as peer pressure, tragedy, and trust. These are all compelling and timeless themes modern day teenagers face. Diving deep into the Word and the book itself we can see the damaging effects of these issues and how they can go about ruining lives essentially.
Beginning with peer pressure, we often feel as if someone wants more of a do or say in our lives, and that is very relevant in the case of Romeo and Juliet. Juliet often confided in the Nurse, and when she confessed her feelings for her forbidden lover she was met with criticism, as seen in Act 2 Scene 5, lines 36-37, “Well, you have made a simple …show more content…

Proverbs 3:5-6 reads, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not into your own understanding. In all the ways possible, acknowledge Him, and He will direct you where you are meant to go,” We must not escape to sin in the midst of trials the Lord has put in front of us, they are meant to strengthen our faith, not forsake it. In this timeless classic, it is easy to point out their sin, of depending more on each other than of the Lord. Onto 2.2.39-51, after Juliet reveals why she can’t publicly love Romeo, he stands to say he will disown his family and change his name so that he can be with his love. Not only does it prove the trust they had that it would work out, but also of how madly in love they were with each other. Trust is crucial in loving Him, who is in Heaven, and in loving those around us on earth.
Taking everything into account, mere disasters are created when there is too little trust, an overwhelming amount of peer pressure, and tragedy. Love forbidden upon star crossed lovers only ends in tragedy, as read in Shakespeare’s classic Romeo and Juliet, even double suicide. Sources / Works Cited:
Shakespeare, William. Romeo & Juliet. Edited by Sylvan Barnet, Signet Classics, 1998.
The Holy Bible: the 21st Century King James Version: Containing the Old Testament and the New
Testament. 21st Century King James Bible Publishers,

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