The Pros And Cons Of Donald Trump

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Trump should be president and here’s why: Audience: Republican party members that are against Trump or generally uninformed voters. What makes someone a good candidate for president? Someone that can “Make America great again” which brings me to my candidate, Trump. Donald Trump is more of a business man than a presidential candidate, but we could use the business aspect in running our country today. He believes in fixing a lot of our major issues that we have as a country one of them being our overall financial debt. I would like to inform you of the things Trump would like to do for our country and why other people should choose him as their candidate as well. Also, I will inform you about some of the opposing candidates and why you should not choose them as your candidate. My overall goal is to inform you of my opinion of the best candidate and persuade others to have a better understanding on why he would make a great president. We need to make our country great again and I believe Trump could majorly impact it in a positive way. Just about everyone in America knows Trump and the astonishing business man he is. This is the major reason why he needs to be in office. Who knows if Trump would make a good president or not, the only way we will know is if he gets elected. But if he does get elected we can only hope he does good things for the country and addresses a plan to get us out of debt with other countries like he says he is going to. I cannot make your vote for you, but I can persuade you to vote in the proper direction. Everyones views are different on everything especially when it comes down to politics. But anyone in my opinion other than Trump for president would be a major mistake considering the major financial crisis we are in throughout our country. As Trump would say, “Make America Great

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