Truman's New Deal Essay

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Truman attained his presidency during one of the biggest shifts of the century, with America no longer being afflicted by the Great Depression or world war. During his two terms as president he focused on two major domestic issues, the future of the New Deal that Franklin D. Roosevelt had started and to aid the shift of the U.S economy from wartime to peace. Truman attempted to extend Roosevelt 's New Deal policies by strengthening social security, conservation, implementing rent controls, and providing housing for low-income families, all easily attainable goals. These new proposals and the entire domestic agenda of the Truman Administration were called the Fair Deal. At times, however, Truman was inconsistent with his own party 's beliefs While many of Truman’s bills did not pass, the fact that he continuously proposed his Fair Deal and never backed down means that he deserves great respect for standing up for his ideals. Also, the bills that he did manage to pass were extremely significant and have large impacts even today. For example, Without Truman’s continuous propositions to Congress for these bills America would be nowhere near where it is today. He used executive orders to desegregate the military the armed forces and forbid racial bias or discrimination in Federal employment. He also established a Committee on Civil Rights as well as encouraged the Justice Department to go against the Supreme Court for plaintiffs fighting against segregation. I believe that although he did an admirable job for the lack of support that he had for many of his policies, his lack of focus and inability to stick to his party 's beliefs make him a little less than perfect, giving him a B in his overall domestic policy After FDR’s death, Truman became Commander in Chief during World War Two. During his time as vice president, however, Truman was not informed of the atomic bomb project or the increasing difficulties in Soviet Russia. He was forced to take on the most powerful position in the U.S with no knowledge of what lied ahead and did extremely well in my decision. Though still new to office, Truman made one of the most controversial decision in American history by using the newly developed atomic bomb on Japan. His decision to drop the two atomic bombs in the United States’ possession on Japan not only forced Japan to surrender, but lessened the casualties and costs for both sides. His decision was not a choice between right or wrong, but rather the lesser of two evils. Truman understood that a long war with Japan would have lead to mass casualties on either side, since the Japanese never surrendered. After the war, Truman recognized that the Soviet Union and the spread of communism threatened the power of the United States and its allies after the second world war. Truman’s responded to the Soviet threat with a wide range of initiatives, from political and diplomatic to military, that helped contain the Soviets increasing power and created a stonewall against communism. Truman signed the Marshall Plan to aid Western Europe from the poor state it was in after the war, so

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