Tribal Tattoo Essay

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A tribal tattoo design is a popular tattoo choice in the 21st century. Go to any beach in the summer months and simply look at all of the tattoos on show. Tribal designs will represent a significant number of them. You may be deciding on your first tattoo, or simply a continuation of your collection, and have decided to go the tribal route. But where have tribal tattoos originated from? In a bygone era tribes from all over the world have tattooed members of their group as part of their way of life. Whether it be a spiritual reason, a coming of age, a religious ceremony, or a celebration of an achievement in life. The tattoos we know and love now started from these tribal origins. Tattoo equipment back then was crude and simple, with the ink and paraphernalia being sourced from natural …show more content…

The benefits of tribal tattoo designs over conventional designs are: 1. The style of the tattoo, with the bold line work and simple designs, stands out well on the body. Intricate designs can be lost on a viewer where any distance is involved and thus the tribal tattoo can be admired from afar with ease. 2. The lack of vibrant colours and the use of (predominately) black ink means that the tattoo with retain its depth over time. Colours tend to fade, especially when the body area is exposed, A tribal tattoo is likely to last the lifetime of its collector without need for much if any touch up. 3. The style lends itself well to larger designs that can flow unencumbered over all areas of the body. Full sleeves are often completed in the tribal style and stand out more than a sleeve full of more than one intricate design. It is also possible to complete a tribal design on one part of the body, and then add further to it at a later stage, possibly leading to other parts of the

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